World Premiere at DOK Leipzig - Next Masters Competition
american premiere at ficci cartagena film festival - MIGRACIÓN Y MESTIZAJE
spanish premiere - docs barcelona
italian premiere and celebration of lives award- biografilm festival bologna
opening film and audience award ‘best lithuanian film’- vilnius documentary film festival
“Antanas Mockus was Mayor of Bogotá, several times Colombian presidential candidate, and voted into the senate in 2018. But this film is not about the politician, but about his 88-year-old mother, the idiosyncratic artist Nijolė Šivickas. She has consistently protected her private life from the public eye, agreeing only reluctantly to media interviews. Even her son knew almost nothing about her Lithuanian childhood. In her artistic practice, but also emotionally, she had turned her back on her homeland.
Now Nijolė has been invited to give a workshop on the occasion of a great retrospective in Vilnius. The film follows her and Antanas on this journey. It’s basically a son’s look at a mother whose independence and critical social spirit were his constant inspiration. Sandro Bozzolo and his team approach their protagonists with restraint, adapt the montage to their rhythm and focus on the rooms of their creative work, on Nijolė’s meetings with Antanas and their journey home together, which moves both deeply. The son takes his mother by the hand, as does this story of an outer and inner journey with the audience. Which events continue to shape one’s life and which had better be forgotten?”
Un’artista e un’intera esistenza vissuta lontano dalla sua terra natale. Lo sguardo di un figlio, che dopo quarant’anni ritorna a interpretare l’opera della madre. Il racconto silenzioso di una grande pianura, un luogo d’infanzia che nasconde un dolore.
Nijolė racconta il viaggio verso le origini di Nijolė Šivickas e Antanas Mockus, la forza sotterranea di una necessità creativa che dalle distese baltiche ha contribuito a riscrivere la storia colombiana. Un ritratto intimo di una donna straordinaria attraverso gli occhi della sua miglior opera d’arte: suo figlio.
“ Nijolė es un retrato a la libertad”
“ Italian director Sandro Bozzolo creates an unclassifiable and inspirational cocktail that takes us on an intimate journey to the depths of two extraordinary vital stories.”
Nijol'e’s premiere in Lithuania, Rugsėjo 019
Country: Lithuania, Italy, Colombia
Year: 2018
Language: Lithuanian, Spanish
Subtitle: English
Runtime: 79 min.
Format: DCP
Color: Colour
Director: Sandro Bozzolo
Producers: Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Max Chicco, Caro Gómez
Cinematographer: Sandro Bozzolo
Editor: Silvija Vilkaitė, Maria Cecilia Reyes
Music: Lina Lapelytė
Sound: Vytis Puronas
Script: Maria Cecilia Reyes, Sandro Bozzolo
Distribution in Colombia: Distrito Pacífico
“An intimate journey of mutual discovery and give us a vital lesson full of courage and vulnerability.”
“Una narración sobre la relación entre una madre y un hijo que caminan, con paso inseguro, hacia su tierra de origen, atravesando memorias que duelen, impresiones, paisajes evocadores y elementos visionarios.”